Nieuwe ontwikkeling, steun voor studenten uit de slums


Hierbeneden toon ik een mail uitwisseling tussen Cornila Obare en mijzelf betreffende de toekomst van ons DWKK project in Kenia. Het voornaamste gedeelte is dikgedrukt weergegeven.

Omdat de university fees erg gestegen zijn (zie staatje hieronder) wordt het voor veel studenten - maar zeker voor degenen die uit de slums komen - bijna onmogelijk maar zeker veel moeilijker om te gaan studeren.

Het dagopvang centrum en schooltje in Kibos (zie andere nieuwsartikelen en foto's) zal zelfstandig kunnen blijven functioneren door bijdragen van de huidige uitbater van de kippenfarm en daarom onze financiƩle steun niet of nauwelijks nodig hebben. Dit geeft ons de ruimte om veelbelovende aankomende studenten uit de slums die worden aanbevolen door onze Keniaanse project manager Cornila te gaan steunen door hun fees te betalen. Dit alles op voorwaarde dat ze regelmatig hun resultaten doorgeven en goed presteren.

Het onderstaande maakt duidelijk hoe we dat willen aanpakken.

Jan de Veen

Voorzitter DWKK


To Cornila Obare (Kenian project manager Dagopvang Weeskinderen Kisumu Kenia)

As concerns Kibos you have my full trust in handling the management of the project now and in the future, also when it comes to dealing with Rahim and the responsibility for the ownership of the plot once the Dutch Foundation will withdraw.
With respect to supporting Peter and other promising students that have been supported by us at secondary schools there is a new development in that it is likely that I will be invited to speak to a number of potential donors who may be interested to assist funding similar cases of promising potential students from the slums. If you come across deserving cases it would be useful to me if you could describe these to me before I speak to these people. Again I fully trust you in proposing cases that are worth supporting and who would not have any other options otherwise.
I am happy that you are recovering well and look forward to hearing from you again!

Dear Jan,
I am happy to report that I am fully recovered and back to work. I am planning to have a discussion with Rahim on the way forward for the project. I am also thinking of planting fruit trees on the farm. this will make it easier to manage the weeds. I will need to consult first to see what fruits can do well.
I really appreciate  that you are sourcing for more sponsorship for the needy children. We have two cases that I am following up. They are children who used to come to the centre before we moved to Kibos. They will be joining college next year. Once I have their full profiles I will share with you.

uni kenia



This is an example of the fees students are expected to pay. Most students will not afford it. It is really sad. 
