De voortgang van de studie van de twee studenten door ons gesponsord

19 september 2024
Onze Stichting betaalt nu voor het tweede jaar de studiekosten van twee veelbelovende studenten (Peter en Rogers) uit de sloppenwijk bij Kisumu. Onze Keniaanse counterparts, de vrouwengroep de Shinners heeft deze studenten voorgedragen. Hun families hebben geen middelen om het schoolgeld te betalen en hun diplomas zullen er enorm aan bijdragen dat de families waar zij thuis horen een betere toekomst tegemoet gaan.
Hieronder mails van Peter Odhiambo en Cornila Obare, onze Keniaanse coordinatrice over de voortgang van hun studies en het opvangcentrum voor weeskinderen in Kibos.
Dear Jan,
I hope you are doing well. I have come to the end of the third year study. I am now proceeding on teaching practice for the next three months. We were actually supposed to report on 26th of last month, but the teachers have been on strike. luckily enough they have reached an agreement with the government and I will report tomorrow. I am going to Ahero Girls High School. It is about 20 kilometers from Kisumu.
I am looking forward to this new experience.
Bye for now.
Peter Odhiambo
Dear Jan, 
I met Rogers today. He is doing well and happy so far about his course. 
He says that the units for the first term dealt fot the most part on human anatomy and physiology. This was a bit unexpected as  he expected to start with instrumentation straight away.
All in all he enjoyed the lessons and is looking forward to the next term. 
He is happy because  the course allows him to work both in theatre and the sterilizing unit at the hospital.  He reports back to college on 4th September. 
Preoperative Theatre Technologists are mostly concerned with instruments used for surgery. They are tasked with ensuring that the surgeon receives the right instruments for surgery.  They can also work in the sterilisation department; where instruments are sterilised.
The centre is moving on, thanks to Rahim. He is still able to support the teacher . By the time they were closing for the long holidays (November yo January), there were 38 kids going to the centre.  Seven of them did interviews and will be joining primary school in January. 
The children have also reported back at the centre on 4th of september. Thirty of them already reported back and we expect that the rest will come in this week.
Cornila Obare